Colorobbia Consulting
Ce.Ri.Col. Colorobbia Research Centre
Ce.Ri.Col. carries out a continuous research on the synthesis of nanoparticles. A research aiming at obtaining monodisperse nanoparticles in various types of solvent (mainly aqueous and glycolic) in order to get versatile materials in different types of applications. It is especially dealts with surface modifications of nanoparticles in order to change their degree of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity.
Several in-house projects have been carried out in collaboration with other companies or industries related to diverse production fields; in addition, some projects have been developed with research institutions of high scientific expertise such as the Universities and the National Research Council (CNR) of Florence, Pisa and Siena.
Il Ce.Ri.Col. ha una pluriennale esperienza in ambito di partecipazione a progetti sia italiani sia europei, nei quali ha ed ha avuto un ruolo di primo piano sia come fornitore di nanoparticelle come nel caso degli studi sulla tossicità delle nanoparticelle negli ambienti di lavoro (Cell-Nanotox, Marina, Sanowork, Sun), sia come partner attivo nella ricerca applicativa dei nanoprodotti (carta, beni culturali, filtri attivi, ecc. Nanoker, Nanother, Sunpap, Nano-Cathedral etc.).
The participation of Ce.Ri.Col. in projects related to applications in nanomedicine has played a very important role: it has coordinated two Regional projects (Ipernano and Synergy) and partook in two European projects (Nanother and Save Me), both having as subject-matter the synthesis and application of magnetic nanoparticles in tumour diagnosis and therapy. These projects aims at researching, synthesizing and testing the efficacy of products to be used in an innovative treatment based on the possibility to directly transmit to solid tumours a nanotechnological magnetic carrier able to release a drug in situ and to combine, during the treatment, the hyperthermia therapy induced by radio-waves or by laser and, at the same time, to be revealed through imaging techniques. According to this stance, Ce.Ri.Col. has activated a research line on nanomedicine, from which the currently marketed iron fluids directly originate. Thanks to its long-standing experience,
Ce.Ri.Col. è is the ideal partner for the development of the technology transfer phase and is also able to provide with large contributions to the basic research.
Along with the National Research Council (CNR) and the University system and “Scuola Normale Superiore” of Pisa, today Ce.Ri.Col is part of the Regional Platform on nanomedicine that intends to develop and make available to the Sistema Sanitario Toscano (Tuscany health system) a therapy system for the treatment of solid tumours and neurodegenerative diseases based on the application of ferrofluid-mediated Theranostics.
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