Environment - Colorobbia Consulting

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Colorobbia Consulting
Environment Division

The Environment Division of Colorobbia Consulting operates in the following fields:

Air Pollution

  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of emissions and observance of the limit values established by the competent Authority.

  • Submission of authorisation applications as to emissions to atmosphere for new plants and/or changed system, to the competent Authorities. All the authorisations are prearranged.

  • Analysis of emissions to the environment next to the production sites. Control through simulation  forms for the dispersion and fallout of pollutants.

  • Filling-in EPRTR and IRSE declarations.

Water Pollution:

  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of waste water and compliance with the limit values established by the applicable regulations.

  • Study of issues related to the purification of specific effluents with reference to water recycling.

  • Filling in and drawing up  applications for drain authorisation by competent bodies.

Sound Pollution

  • Analysis of the noise level of the outer limit of the companies, with special attention to urban settlement areas where sensitive receptors are present.

  • Study and design of measures taken to reclaim through acoustic forecasting models in order to verify the effectiveness of the measures designed prior to their implementation.

  • Preparation of any required documentation to conform to the provisions set by the  applicable law on environmental noise.

  • Drafing any required documentation to comply with the regulations provided for by the  applicable law on passive acoustic requirements of building.

Waste Disposal – Characterization of sites - Reclamations

  • Classification of waste types.

  • Monitoring of storage sites, piezometric wells, etc.

  • Research and assessment of authorised external companies for waste transport and disposal in compliance with the provisions set by the applicable regulations.

  • Study and drawing up of the organisational system for a correct management of the cycle concerning produced, stored and disposed waste.

  • Preliminary study of contaminated areas and subsequent assessment on whether the drawing up of the characterization plan is required.

  • Preparation of any documents required for the characterization planning and any following verifications in-situ. (surveys, taking of samples, analysis, certifications).

  • Consulting throughout the administrative procedure by the accountable bodies.

Integrated Environmental Authorisation ( IEA )
The legislation provides for that a number of industrial activities, depending on the type and substances used, may be subject to the regulatory requirement of IEA in order to reduce the out-put environmental impact of the activities by implementing the best available technologies pursuant the BAT reference documents issued by the European Community. Analytical procedure carried out to determine whether a proposal will require an environmental impact assessment, by making a preliminary determination of the expected impact of a proposal on the environment and of its relative significance.
The Division is able to support the companies in:

  • Determining whether or not EIA is required for the activity (screening).

  • Examining and drawing up the application for the integrated authorisation and its submission to the competent authorities.

  • Verifying BAT and applicability to the specific cases.

Geological activity - Geophysics – Engineering Geology applied to reclamation

  • Studies and surveys for the safety, environmental remediation and restoration of polluted sites (L. no. 471 of 25.10.1999).

  • Assessment of risk and environmental damage.

  • Risk assessment through “Rome 2.1” and “Giuditta 3.0” calculation models.

  • Preliminary, final, executive projects as to remediation of soil, subsoil and groundwate.

Service performed in collaboration with companies specialised in the field of “ Reclamations and hydrogeological Risk”.

Geophysics - IGeophysical surveys (ground penetrating radar, seismic refraction and geoelectric method)

Engineering Geology- Geotechnics and Hydrogeology:

  • Geotechnical, geomorphologic, hydrogeological surveys.

  • Geotechnical, hydrogeological and environmental investigations.

  • Studies for the protection of the groundwater.

  • Estimation of well productivity for water, determination of hydrogeological parameters.

  • Sampling of soils and waters.

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